Tackling Food Insecurity in Pakistan
Addressing Basic Human Needs
Due to poverty rates of 25 to 40%, recurring natural disasters, and political and economic volatility, much of Pakistan's population struggles to meet basic needs such as food security. This has resulted in 40 million people (out of 220 million total) who are not getting enough nutrients. In fact, Pakistan has twice the rate of malnourished people than other countries worldwide. Growth stunting due to malnourishment/undernourishment affects as many as 50% of Pakistan's children.
40% of children under the age of 5 in Pakistan are stunted according to the UN World Food Program, and of those, 11% are severely malnourished. Similarly, 20% of the general population faces hunger on a daily basis.
HOPE's Solutions
HOPE is aiming to tackle poverty from all angles: Healthcare, Education, Vocational Training, Clean Water, and Disaster Relief. We believe that citizens can break free from the cycle of poverty through adequate intervention. By tackling the crisis of food insecurity at a grassroots level, we are reducing malnourishment in the general population, and especially children, which will then lead to better health outcomes for the most vulnerable fragments of society in Pakistan.
Monthly Food Rations
Making a Difference
HOPE USA is attempting to tackle the problem of food insecurity in Pakistan head-on by delivering monthly food rations to families living below the poverty line in Pakistan.
Our Food Rations is one of our most cherished donor-initiated projects and was inspired by a supporter's concern for our beneficiaries living well below the poverty line in Pakistan. For this ongoing project, we hand deliver a month's supply of food rations to as many families as we are able to help them fulfill their basic needs for nutrition. This movement began as a humble gesture and has only amplified in reach, especially during times of high demand such as the Covid pandemic and the 2022 Pakistan Flood Crisis.
Our Food Rations consist of a month's supply of Rice, Wheat Flour (to make tortillas), Lentils, Cooking Oil, Milk Powder, Tea, Sugar, Salt, and Biscuits - enough for a family of 8.
You may partake in this fight against hunger by sponsoring a month of Food Rations for a Family of 8 for just $33. Any amount is welcome!
Distribution of Cooked Food
In Times of Need
In addition to distributing Food Rations, during various occasions throughout the year, our team reaches out to underserved communities by sharing cooked food (such as biryani, a South Asian rice and chicken dish). Cooked food is distributed during times of emergency aid, school functions, and sometimes just to bring some joy to underserved areas.
Sit-Down Iftars

Emphasis During Ramadan
During Ramadan, our distribution of both Food Rations and Door-to-Door Iftars increases, and we also commemorate communities coming together to enjoy a meal while they break fast. Usually our functions are held on school campuses and we are humbled that many corporate supporters and organizations have stepped up to sponsor these events. In addition to providing a nutritious meal, community iftars are a perfect way to help create and nurture bonds between students, community mentors, and human beings.
Distribution of Meat During Eid ul Adha
Tradition With a Plus
The Islamic holiday of Eid ul Adha provides us with an opportunity to distribute meat to underserved communities, all while commemorating the occasion. For the vast majority of our beneficiaries, Eid ul Adha is the only time of year they are fortunate enough to enjoy meat, and we encourage our supporters to share Qurbani amongst the poor in underdeveloped neighborhoods throughout Pakistan.
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